
Nortorious jatt
Nortorious jatt

Then you say "well SKT is higher than GRF" so now G2 are third in the powerranking. Its always possible G2 fix those mistakes and perform better in knockouts - but based off the results we have right now you can't possibly rank G2 higher than GRF until they play again and show us that they fixed those mistakes. G2 got ruined twice in a row to GRF, the LCK 2nd seed. So why can EU fans use that line of thinking for the LCK teams? You can't, its illogical. Its like if you had 3 G2s in Europe, one of them would inevitably be a "3rd seed", it doesn't automatically make them worse than a 2nd or 1st seed from NA right? Of course not. All three LCK teams this year were extremely close in skill level. It wasn't like NA or EU where you had a top team, a close second team, then a dropoff. Keep up the great work and sorry we don't tell you how much we love your work on a more regular basis.ĭid people bashing his predictions watch LCK? The whole year DWG, GRF and SKT were tied for first or swapping between 1st, 2nd and 3rd seed. We're here for the show and you and all your colleagues are doing great! We like the show, we like the spice, and we love League of Legends. So Jatt, and every other anylist out there, if you are reading this then please know the vast majority of us both like and respect you. This means the majority of feedback received is going to be of the negative kind. Unfortunately most of these fans are also unlikely to comment or message analysts directly. That means most of the fans that are watching are just hoping for some quality League of Legends and perhaps some quality analysis in between games. Most of the fans have already had their favourite teams already either i) not qualify for worlds or ii) already be knocked out. Most of the fans watching the worlds simply like League of Legends. Most of the fans like Jatt and like his analysis. What's important for Jatt and every other analyst to realize is that these people, for the most part, are a very vocal minority. Pointing out flaws of their favourite team comes out as being personal insults against these fans who have invested their egos into the success of their favourite team. With a bigger spotlight comes a bigger amount of super-fans being completely unreasonable when it comes to dispassionate analysis. FIFA World Cup, NFL, NBA, NHL, any of the other sports that I'm unaware of. However this is something that is true with every competitive event. With the direction we’re going, I fear that fan favorites will just go into matches as favorites, because personalities won’t want to put up with the vitriol of suggesting otherwise. If a team is actually an underdog, I want people to feel safe to say it, so that IF an underdog wins - it’s actually an exciting upset. Beyond the obvious selfish reason of “getting flamed less” I also don’t want this type of reaction to set the wrong types of expectations for teams.


A younger version of myself may have just said “oh close series but 3-2 FNC and 3-2 G2” because It would result in SUBSTANTIALLY less blowback.Īnyways. Things ranging from “biased” “malding” “LCK fanboy” ‘you just predict against EU because you hate them’ “lol you’re just jealous because NA sucks” What I think I said: “Hey these are really close quarter-finals, anyone can win. I power ranked group teams, with G2 (4) vs. I understand why it feels good to have personalities champion your favorite teams, but I caution against the level of vitriol that ‘can’ be directed towards people with opposing views. It’s actually impossible to know for certain what’s going to happen this weekend, which is what makes analysing it and trying to predict it so fun, and what will make watching it so compelling.Īnd that brings me to my next point - the bullying from some fans - and constant push to get analysts to champion their teams. SKT choking Griffin? Will we get the G2 who won Europe their first ever MSI? Or will we get the G2 who is ‘holding back’, ‘trolling’ or getting slammed by Griffin? Will we get week 1 FNC or week 2 FNC? Will we get the FPX who lost to SPY and JTEAM, or will we get the FPX who won 85% of their games in the LPL on their way to a title? Will we get World champ iG, or 2019 summer split iG? Will we get Week 2 Griffin, or Bo5 vs. Part of that has to do with the level of unknowns. We’re blessed with some of the closest, on paper, quarterfinals ever. In a recent Instagram post, Jatt has written the following regarding fans’ reactions to analysis:

Nortorious jatt